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 E-Merchants Trade Council, Inc.

Simplifying Global E-commerce 

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  • Thu, February 10, 2022 5:12 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    Washington, DC -

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) releases Volume 4 Issue 1 of its Trade News Snapshot.  Periodically, CBP issues a newsletter with highlights on trade issues, court cases, Federal Register notices, enforcement actions, and listing of policy updates and messages to the trade community.

    To review past issues of CBP Trade News Snapshot, visit Trade News Snapshot | U.S. Customs and Border Protection (cbp.gov)

  • Mon, February 07, 2022 11:42 AM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    EMTC is launching a grassroots campaign to engage e-sellers and e-commerce marketplace platforms to add their voice to oppose provisions in the America COMPETES Act (H.R. 4521) that will negatively impact e-commerce.

    Click the FACT SHEET to learn more about the proposed legislation.

    To add your name to the list of companies advocating against these provisions, fill-in your information in EMTC's E-commerce Legislation Grassroots Campaign form.

  • Wed, February 02, 2022 3:21 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    EMTC joined twelve (12) industry trade associations asking the House leadership to remove de minimis restrictions (section 103001 - Import Security and Fairness Act) from the America COMPETES Act (H.R. 4521).

    If the provision remains in the final bill, goods from China will no longer be eligible for duty-free and simplified entry under 19 U.S.C. section 1321.

    A copy of the letter can be found at: Association Letter re De Minimis

  • Wed, January 26, 2022 6:46 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    The U.S. House of Representatives released the America COMPETES Act which includes 899 pages of trade measures, including a bar on de minimis shipments from China, out of the 3,000 page bill.  EMTC intends to draft comments on the bill.

    Please note that although the bill number assigned to the America COMPETES Act is H.R. 4521, we expect this bill text to be replaced with the America COMPETES Act.  You can download the Executive Summary of the bill.

    The America COMPETES Act is intended to be the House's counterpoint to the Senate's U.S Innovation and Competition Act (S. 1260) which passed in June 2021.  We expect the House will try to move swiftly on this legislation.

  • Sat, January 22, 2022 12:23 AM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    International Trade Today (Warren Communications) - Washington, DC

    On January 19, 2022, Mara Lee of International Trade Today featured an article on "Republicans in Congress Concerned About Proposed de Minimis Carve-Out": 

    Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, the ranking member on the House Ways and Means Committee, said he knows that Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., is sincere in his concern that the more generous de minimis threshold since 2016 has had unintended consequences. Blumenauer was one of just 24 House Democrats who supported the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act that raised the threshold to $800. Blumenauer introduced a bill (see 2201180053) that would bar importers of Chinese goods from using de minimis, and would also end the ability to send exports to Canada and Mexico to wait in warehouses until a U.S. buyer makes an online purchase.

                                *                                         *                                         *                                              *

    E-Merchants Trade Council says that Blumenauer’s bill would have a major impact on e-commerce, both by ending the ability to ship imported goods from Canadian and Mexican warehouses and take advantage of de minimis, and because sellers would have to pay customs brokers for processing their imports.  EMTC says that it typically costs $50 to $150 for each imported shipment.

    See the full article at: Republicans in Congress Concerned About Proposed de Minimis Carve-Out itt-2022-01-19.pdf

  • Wed, January 19, 2022 12:17 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    EMTC has posted an Issue Alert analyzing the Import Security and Fairness Act which was revised upon introduction as H.R. 6412 on January 18, 2022.  The major changes: 1) narrowed the scope to bar de minimis shipments from China; and 2) bars de minimis shipments from distribution or processing facilities in a foreign country.

    EMTC is engaging with Chairman Blumenauer's and HWM Staff to discuss the impact of the bill on e-sellers, e-commerce marketplace platforms, the supply chain, and ultimately, consumers.

    EMTC will file comments on H.R. 6412 and we urge you to join EMTC to add your voice as an e-seller to this advocacy effort.

  • Fri, January 14, 2022 1:44 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    EMTC has learned that Representative Blumenauer, Chair of House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, plans to introduce a bill next week that bars de minimis provision for low value goods from "non-market economies" which primarily affects goods from China.  Click the link to EMTC's Import Alert on the Import Security and Fairness Act for an analysis of how this bill may affect your business.

    Back on December 16, 2021, EMTC filed a written statement for the record with the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee for the December 2nd hearing on "Supporting U.S. Workers, Businesses, and the Environment in the Face of Unfair Chinese Trade Practices".  

    EMTC will file comments on this bill and we urge e-sellers to join EMTC to contribute what the impact the bill will have on their business.

  • Thu, January 06, 2022 6:01 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    BUSINESS WIRE - St. George, UT

    Zonos, the global technology leader in cross-border commerce, announced today new and expanded Classify features to help businesses that sell internationally to harmonize (or re-harmonize) their product catalogs in preparation for the 2022 Harmonized System (HS) code changes.

    The full article may be found at:  Zonos' New Classify Tools Anticipate 2022 Harmonized System Change Disruptions | Business Wire

  • Fri, December 17, 2021 7:43 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    American Shipper posted a new article by Eric Kulisch, Air Cargo Editor:

    "The Biden administration on Friday again urged global ocean carriers to accept more export freight and restore service at underutilized West Coast ports to ease supply chain constraints and give U.S. agriculture companies a fair chance to sell their goods in overseas markets. The request signals that the White House will remain focused on trying to tighten regulation of the industry next year."

    EMTC CEO, Marianne Rowden, was quoted in the article:

    The joint letter “tells me that the administration is really feeling the heat from farmers and ranchers, who are now more dependent on foreign markets for profitability,” Marianne Rowden, CEO of the E-Merchants Trade Council and former head of the American Association of Exporters and Importers, said in an email. “The only way I could see the administration making a difference is by ordering these carriers to other West Coast ports through the Coast Guard denying them access to the Port of LA/Long Beach and saying that idling the ships off the coast is a national security risk.”

    See the full article on the FreightWaves American Shipper website or download here.

  • Thu, December 16, 2021 5:50 PM | Mariane Rowden (Administrator)

    On December 16, 2021, EMTC filed a written statement for the record with the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee for the December 2nd hearing on "Supporting U.S. Workers, Businesses, and the Environment in the Face of Unfair Chinese Trade Practices".  

    EMTC's comments are drafted to counter the testimony of hearing witness Kimberly Glas, President & CEO, National Council of Textile Organizations, who recommended that Congress "Close the Section 321 De Minimis Tariff Loophole."  See page 11 of testimony.

    Now is the time for all companies involved in the e-commerce industry to join EMTC as it is clear that Congress has its sights on restricting e-commerce shipments.  Therefore, EMTC will mount a broad grassroots effort to educate Congress and policymakers about how critical e-commerce is to MSME e-sellers.

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